- Опубликовано: 14 марта 2015
- Просмотров: 1028
Numerous factors contribute to the rendering of Cyprus as a centre of attraction for international business and knowledge transfer. Its developed commercial infrastructure, strategic location and favorable taxation regime, coupled with the extensive protection- offered through domestic and International law- of Intellectual Property, the latter being one of the most valuable assets of a corporation, render the island into one of the most beneficial jurisdictions for the use and registration of a wide range of intellectual property rights, such as trademarks, copyrights and patents.
Intellectual Property is an increasingly evolving field and specifically relates to the protection of legal entitlements to intangible property, namely products of intellect. That being said, protection is mainly extended, but not limited, to the following areas: Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights, Designs and others.
As mentioned above, the body of law governing Intellectual Property in Cyprus consists of both national laws and international instruments ratified by the Republic.
Domestic law provides regulation through the statutory formal rights and the general principles of common law. Besides being a signatory to multiple international agreements, Cyprus has also implemented various amendments into its Intellectual Property regime, seeking compliance with the acquis communautaire.
The recent amendments to the regime regulating the taxation of Intellectual Property provide strong incentives for the establishment of an IP structure. In more detail, as of 2012, four-fifths (80%) of the income generated from intangible assets is deductible, while the remaining 20% of earnings is subject to a Corporate Income Tax of 12.5%. Hence, IP profits are taxed on a maximum rate of 2.5%.